Today's manufacturing companies run, live, thrive or die by how well they maintain and interpret their data. The main problem in this space however, is that manufacturers don’t use it.
In the wake of the COVID pandemic much attention has been given to the problems created in global supply chains, many of which still linger driving downstream cost pressures in turn increasing the impetus towards global recession.
Understanding when and where sales are occuring - or even better predicting when and where they are going to occur, can have far reaching implications not only supply chains, but also for optimising cost structures. Only once organisations deeply understand the demand-side of their business, can they hope to optimise up and downstream.
Telemetry was built to help with these problems.
Particularly in times of economic, political and commercial uncertainty, banks need predictive insights from trusted data to make critical decisions and compete effectively.
Telemetry can unify the entire revenue ecosystem across people, processes, pricing and pipeline to foster understanding, collaboration and consistency across the end-to-end customer buying experience.
Supply chain analytics
Demand planning is a very important part of managing a supply chain. With visual analytics, we can very quickly identify issues in this area on a scale that just cannot be replicated within excel. Once an organization really understands the seasonal nature of their business, they can plan much more effectively and optimize their purchasing decisions.
Understanding where sales are occuring can have a large impact on an organization’s overhead. Cutting back on stocking in low selling areas and reallocating that inventory to a high performance area means that the inventory cost will be lowered and the inventory sitting on the shelves will be getting a much higher ROI.
Manufacturing marketing and sales analytics
Understanding when and where items are being bought is important but so is the type of item being sold. Understanding that items are being sold in California during the summer is good but knowing the blue tables in the summer are being bought by females between the age of 35 and 54 is much more powerful. By studying buying behavior, we can have a much more informed decision around what we marketing to which demographics.
Understanding when and where sales are occuring can have far reaching implications on a supply chain. For instance, if products are only moving during the summer time, inventory levels do not need to be high all winter long. Understanding the seasonal nature of this trend can save an organization’s hundreds of thousands in inventory holding costs.
Marketing to sales conversion
Start at the bottom of the marketing section of the pipeline before you work your way up. Telemetry's lead conversion dashboards tie marketing analytics to sales analytics, allowing organisations to see what their ROI's are filterable by marketing campaign, source/channel, etc. They can also see lifetime value of customers and what buying journey they take when they come back. Access to this kind of insight can be incredibly powerful because it drives deeper understanding of the customer's time of need and preferred communication channels, allowing marketing to pre-build automated messages either direct to the end user or to the relevant sales manager or rep.
Automated cross-system integration
Some of the best connectors in the world allow Telemetry to automatically stitch together an entire revenue ecosystem from one end to the other, across marketing, sales, finance and HR.
Data flow through the pipeline and dependencies between systems and processes can be immediately identified and visualised. Unique identifiers applied to Critical Pipeline Elements ("CPE") make them trackable through time and searchable across systems. Wherever and whenever CPE's move in the pipeline, Telemetry knows.
Visualise and understand. Fast!
Telemetry provides the world’s best pipeline data lineage, cause and effect, and impact analysis at scale. Trace the entire demand-supply lifecycle from source through to output and build understanding of dependencies between the drivers of revenue and operational risk.
Some of the world's most prominent and successful companies have used Telemetry's Automated Pipeline Data Lineage to visualise their entire demand pipeline flow.
De-risk marketing and sales pipeline. Secure demand and capacity forecasts.
Telemetry provides insights into assurance and risk around forecasts via reporting and analytics, including performance and risk dashboards and forecast probability metrics. The system gathers continuous performance data across a range of core pipeline, people and pricing metrics across products, services, business units, territories, teams and individuals.
Performance measurements and risk assessments are standardised and can be automated through event triggers based on tolerance thresholds for different metrics. Notifications and subscriptions alert management when the systems detects thresholds have been or are in danger of being breached.
See what leaders in the healthcare industry think about RevenueTEK and Telemetry RT3.
RevenueTEK has again been shortlisted as one of the world's leading sales analytics companies by CIO Applications.
See our Manufacturing clients and the sales results they have achieved
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